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Prayer is getting to know the Living God! It is calling on God for help when in trouble. It is sharing your deepest feelings and concerns with the One who created us for Himself. Prayer is possible through the Lord Jesus Christ who is God the Son. He lived, died and rose again the third day so that fellowship with God might be restored! Prayer is how we can have fellowship with God now before we are with Him in heaven. The Holy Spirit helps us pray and strengthens us in our relationship with God the Father through Christ Jesus!  



Only God can save us from our sin and break it's power over our lives! As we pray, we are calling on the LORD for His help and intervention. Since He is ALMIGHTY, there is nothing impossible with HIM! The Lord Jesus is mighty to save us from our sin, addictions, bondages of any sort and fill us with the Holy Spirit -  the Spirit of Life! Call on the LORD today!



There are many prayers recorded in the Bible that people have prayed when in need or trouble. The Lord Jesus gave us what to pray in Matthew 6:9-13: God's name to be hallowed, His kingdom come and will be done. Our daily bread to be provided by Him and to forgive as He has forgiven us. Asking His help to keep us from being overcome by temptations and deliverance from evil one. 


Prayer is how we get to know God, His will being done on earth and experiencing His kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit! This is all possible through the Lord Jesus Christ who has taken away our sin! Call on Him today and begin a life of knowing the only True God and the Lord Jesus whom He has sent!



We meeting for prayer on Thursdays 5:30 - 6:15 pm in the BMU room 304.

Join us in getting to know our glorious God the Father through Christ Jesus and praying His will to be done for the honor of His Name!



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